Bespoke / Made-to-order / Resizing

關於 :RED LINE |Soft tailoring 系列

關於 :RED LINE |Soft tailoring 系列

我們推出全新量身訂造的『 輕.剪裁 』系列🤍希望以最精緻的形式-Soft tailoring展現不同體形的美麗。 We are launching a new tailored collection called 'Light Tailoring'. Soft tailoring is the most sophisticated way to show the beauty of different body shapes. 對於那些喜歡簡約精細,也著重舒適感的人,Soft...

關於 :RED LINE |Soft tailoring 系列

我們推出全新量身訂造的『 輕.剪裁 』系列🤍希望以最精緻的形式-Soft tailoring展現不同體形的美麗。 We are launching a new tailored collection called 'Light Tailoring'. Soft tailoring is the most sophisticated way to show the beauty of different body shapes. 對於那些喜歡簡約精細,也著重舒適感的人,Soft...

客人訂製 | Bespoke for Lotting

客人訂製 | Bespoke for Lotting

很高興Lotting找我製作這件馬甲,作為她參加朋友婚禮的「姐妹裝」花布是我很少接觸的物料之一,加上女性化感覺的雪紡材質,但碰撞出來的效果卻出乎意料的匹配。希望您也滿意這個crossover! I’m glad that Lotting asked me to make this vest for her as part of her “sister outfit” for a friend’s wedding. The floral fabric is one that I...

客人訂製 | Bespoke for Lotting

很高興Lotting找我製作這件馬甲,作為她參加朋友婚禮的「姐妹裝」花布是我很少接觸的物料之一,加上女性化感覺的雪紡材質,但碰撞出來的效果卻出乎意料的匹配。希望您也滿意這個crossover! I’m glad that Lotting asked me to make this vest for her as part of her “sister outfit” for a friend’s wedding. The floral fabric is one that I...

客人訂製 | Bespoke for Clarrie & Dory

客人訂製 | Bespoke for Clarrie & Dory


客人訂製 | Bespoke for Clarrie & Dory
